Monday, January 17, 2022

Doing the Right Thing Isn't Always Popular

Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights leader and an American hero. Almost every American adult (95%) believes he was an important figure in American history in CBS News polling.But it wasn't always that way.  The fight for civil rights can be unpopular at one time, and only become popular many years down the road. 

During the 1960s, King was a very divisive figure. The last Gallup poll to ask about his popularity during his lifetime, taken in 1966, found his unfavorable rating was 63%. In the middle of 1964, when Congress was in the midst of passing many landmark civil rights laws, King's favorable rating was just 44%. His unfavorable rating was 38%. When Americans were asked which three Americans they had the least respect for in a 1964 Gallup poll, King came in second at 42%. This was barely less than the 47% registered by George Wallace, the segregationist governor of Alabama.

Perhaps even more revealing is that a lot of White Americans thought King was doing more harm than good for the fight for civil rights. In a 1966 Harris Poll, 50% of White Americans indicated that he was hurting the Civil Rights effort. A mere 36% said he was helping.

Black Americans saw things very differently. The vast majority in 1963 thought his work for equal rights was moving at the right speed (71%) or not fast enough (21%) compared to 8% who believed it was happening too fast. In 1966, 84% of Black adults had a favorable view of him, while 4% had an unfavorable view.  

Decades after his death, it was far from a sure thing that King would be celebrated with a national holiday. In 1983, when Reagan signed legislation to establish the MLK holiday, opinion was split down the middle.  In an ABC News/Washington Post poll, 47% were in favor of the holiday vs. 48% against.

South Carolina was the last state to make Martin Luther King Day a non-optional state holiday, and that didn't happen until 2000. Arizona took a long time to make Martin Luther King's birthday a state holiday. The bill failed to pass the state legislature in 1986, and two ballot propositions failed in 1990.  The NFL decided to move the 1993 Super Bowl away from the state, as a result.

When all Americans were asked about whether they favored or opposed this move, just 25% favored it. The vast majority (63%) said they were opposed to moving the Super Bowl.  But the move by the NFL had the intended effect. Voters in Arizona passed a law in 1992 to make King's birthday a state holiday.  

In 2011, 94% of Americans had a favorable view of him in Gallup polling. This included an 89% favorable rating among those ages 65 and older. The vast majority of whom were born in 1927 or later. Among that same group in 1966, King's favorable rating was 41%.  In other words, King's now uniform popularity isn't only because older generations died out. People's minds changed. King became a lot more popular among many people who didn't like him when he was alive. 


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