Sunday, May 19, 2019

Muslim Bigot Forced to Pay Up

In 2017, Craig Caldwell of Denver, Colorado decided that it was time to close his fried chicken restaurant.  Unfortunately, he still had five more years on his lease, so he looked around for someone to sublet. His search led him to Rashad and Zuned Khan, who owned a successful Indian restaurant in Boulder and were looking to branch out.

Katina Gatchis, Caldwell's landlady, refused to allow him to sublet to the Khans, insisting he instead find an "American person ... good like you and me," and then followed that up with "These kind, type, they are very dangerous, extremely dangerous," and "They bring all the Muslims from the Middle East, and then I have a problem around here, bam boom, bam boom."

Faster than you can say "bam boom, bam boom",  Katina Gatchis now has to pay them $675,000 because they sued her ass for discrimination and won.  Because here-- in the very America Ms. Gatchis is clearly so fond of-- it is illegal to refuse to rent to someone because you do not like their race or religion.

When Gatchis initially told Caldwell that he could not sublet to Muslims, he was rightfully horrified and decided to call her up and get it on tape. Colorado is a one-party consent state when it comes to recordings, so it was legal for him to do so. Gatchis ended up saying a variety of horrible things on the recording, and didn't even bother to try denying it in court.

Ironically, Ms. Gatchis seems to understand less than immigrants how things are done here in America.  According to Rashan Khan (one of her victims), "If it weren't for me being (in America), I wouldn't have the life I do.  I wouldn't enjoy the freedoms I have, and I wouldn't have the justice system that allowed her to have the consequences for acting like she did."

Damn right!

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