Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sour Krauts

It's not surprising that the Germans used the latest E-coli outbreak in Europe as yet another opportunity to bash South Europeans.  It wasn't enough that the "snooty teuts" looked down their noses at the Greeks and Portuguese during the recent wave of bailout talks in Europe-- they couldn't wait to blame the Spaniards for their latest woes.

No sooner than the first wave of cases hit the news, the Germans start howling about "killer cukes" and banned all vegetable imports from Spain-- starting an unwarranted wave of persecution that spread across the continent to Russia.  Now comes news that it wasn't vegetables from Spain that spawned the outbreak-- it was (apparently) spouts from Germany itself that were responsible for the worst modern e-coli outbreak ever (over 2000 sick and 22 dead and counting). 

Where's the apology, Angela? 

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