Thursday, February 17, 2011

Kansas Republican Has Uncanny Ability To Detect "Illegals"

Kansas Republican Connie O'Brien is deservedly taking heat back home because of comments she made at a congressional hearing-- saying that she can tell who's illegal by their "olive complexion":

REP. O’BRIEN: My son who’s a Kansas resident, born here, raised here, didn’t qualify for any financial aid. Yet this girl was going to get financial aid. My son was kinda upset about it because he works and pays for his own schooling and his books and everything and he didn’t think that was fair. We didn’t ask the girl what nationality she was, we didn’t think that was proper. But we could tell by looking at her that she was not originally from this country. [...]

REP. GATEWOOD: Can you expand on how you could tell that they were illegal?

REP. O’BRIEN: Well she wasn’t black, she wasn’t Asian, and she had the olive complexion.

Hey Connie, here's a hint-- the unemployed child of a person who's denied state tax refunds and most likely facing persecution in other areas (such as employment and housing) is more likely to qualify for financial aid than the gainfully employed son of a Kansas politician.  You might want to explain that to your child before instilling further racial hatred.

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